A bird keeps flying into my window or car mirror, on purpose. What should I do?

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A California Towhee attacks its reflection in a car mirror. Photo by hawk person via Birdshare. The behavior you mention often occurs in spring and early su

A bird keeps flying into my window or car mirror, on purpose. What

This Is Why Birds Fly in Front of Cars (Important Facts)

Billions of Birds Die Annually From Flying Into Windows — Here's

How to Care For a Bird That Has Hit a Window: 12 Steps

Male Mountain Bluebird Attacking His Own Reflection, Part II

America Inside Out: A Road Trip Across My Adopted Country - The

A bird keeps flying into my window or car mirror, on purpose. What

Window Stickers to Prevent Bird Strikes Only Work One Way - The

I've noticed that some cars have these black plastic things right

9 Spiritual Meaning of a Bird Landing On a Car Mirror

How To Stop Birds Attacking Car Mirrors And Windows