4.7 (353) · € 446.00 · En Stock

You can stock up on lots of your favourite groceries with this Haier fridge freezer. It'll hold up to 19 bags of food shopping, meaning fewer trips to the supermarket. If you enjoy a healthy side plate with your Friday pizza, the humidity control system will keep those cucumbers and lettuce leaves crisper for longer, because you can set the temperature to match what's inside.

Haier HCTR3619FNMG 60/40 Frost Free Fridge Freezer - Platinum Inox - F Rated

Réfrigérateur Américain 528l Froid Ventilé Haier 90.8cm E

Réfrigérateur américain Haier HSR3918FIPB - Total No Frost, 515 L

Haier HTF-610DSN7 90cm Black Steel American Style Fridge Freezer

Available in a modern slate black finish, this American-style fridge freezer from Haier offers a huge capacity and a range of storage options. Perfect for families, the HSOBPIF9183 is frost-free, so there’ll be no need to defrost your appliance. Storage Space Fit even the largest food shops into this great Haier appliance, with 337 litres of fridge space and 178 litres in the freezer. Space has been organised into a range of compartments, to keep all your food easily accessible.

Haier HSOBPIF9183 American Fridge Freezer - Black

HAIER - Réfrigérateur américain 91cm 522l a+ no frost inox

Haier HCR3818ENMM 83.3cm Total No Frost Multi Door Fridge Freezer

Haier Series 5 HTF-520WP7 Freestanding 65/35 American Fridge

Haier HDW3618DNPD Wifi Connected 60/40 Frost Free Fridge Freezer

HAIER - Réfrigérateur américain 90.8cm 552l a++ no frost inox

Réfrigérateur américain 601L Pose libre 177.5cm Finition Platinium

Molesey Refrigeration Centre Haier HTF_520IP7 90.5cm Frost Free