ESP32-S2 WROOM Module with PCB Antenna - 4 MB flash and no PSRAM [4MB Flash] : ID 4919 : $3.25 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

4.9 (347) · € 2.00 · En Stock

Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits ESP32-S2 WROOM Module with PCB Antenna - 4 MB flash and no PSRAM [4MB Flash] : ID 4919 - The ESP8266 started a small revolution by bringing WiFi to a small and cheap package that also had enough processing power and enough pins to get small things done. Then the ESP32 came out with tons of pins, Bluetooth support, and dual 240 MHz cores. Now get ready to take
The ESP8266 started a small revolution by bringing WiFi to a small and cheap package that also had enough processing power and enough pins to get small things done. Then the ESP32 came out with tons of pins, Bluetooth support, and dual 240 MHz cores. Now get ready to take your IoT designs to the next level with the ESP32-S2-WROOM WiFi Module!

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