BBC Micro:Bit Coding Workshop — The National Museum of Computing

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Book Synopsis The micro: bit, a tiny computer being distributed by the BBC to students all over the UK, is now available for anyone to purchase and

Getting Started with the Micro: Bit - by Wolfram Donat (Paperback)

BBC micro:bit Workshop Code Created Coding Workshops for Primary

App Lab Physical Computing lessons now feature the micro:bit

BBC Micro Bit will complement Raspberry Pi not compete with it

Relaxed Opening day — The National Museum of Computing

micro: bit in Wonderland: Coding & Craft with the BBC micro: bit

ACM: Digital Library: Communications of the ACM

BBC - Make It Digital - The BBC micro:bit

EDU:BIT Training & Project Kit for micro:bit - RobotShop

World War II cryptography bundle (Platinum) — The National Museum